One of our traditions is to visit Oma's pumpkin patch with the Sippels. My kids LOVE that place soooo much. We usually go 2 or 3 times during their pumpkin patch days. They love the open space and to just run free and enjoy farm life for the day. There is so much to do there and they are always sad when it's time to leave.
This year the kids are at perfect ages. I did not have to worry about Dylan getting left behind, or falling, or being trampled by others. I did not have to follow him around and help him climb things, or worry about him being lost. The older kids kept an eye out for him and helped him if he needed help (which he didn't). They kids roamed free and the moms got to sit back and chat while they romped around and rolled in the cotton seed. It's so nice because the kids just frolicked in the country aroma and had a great time with each other while we chatted till our hearts were content. We were able to complete so many sentences without being interrupted!!!! They checked in when they were either thirsty or hungry and off they went when we satisfied their needs.
We all had a great time and the kids were giddy. I think the best thing about that day though was on the ride home. We had been discussing about how much cotton seed was going to fall out of their clothes when they undressed since they rolled around in it so much. Gavin said, "I think I even have cotton seed in my butt crack too." and Dylan replies with, "Yeah, I think I have cotton seed in my butt crash too." We all laughed so hard about Dylan's "butt crash"! He had no clue why we were in tears! Poor Dilly!
I'm going to miss it when the kids get to that age when they no longer want to go to Oma's to roll in their cotton seed and get it in their butt crash.