Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ocotillo Wells - First Ride

Will has always wanted a jeep since before we were married. I knew this and thought of it like a dreamy wish list - along with the boat, jet skis, quads, and all those other toys boys seem to want. Over the last 10 years I never really gave it much thought when the subject would arise. I would listen and smile . . . and now we own a jeep! A jeep to just go off-roading in. Of course in the beginning I was not fond of the idea. Owning a vehicle just to play around in? A vehicle without a purpose? It was all worth it when I saw the smile on my hubby's face. So what will we own next? I'm hoping for a pool!

Dylan's new friend Joshua

Beautiful sunset right before we left.

Dylan would like a quad of his own.

Ready for a ride in Daddy's new jeep.

Beautiful rainbow on the drive out.