Monday, July 13, 2009

I caved

For the last 2 Christmases, Mackenzie has asked Santa (and us) for a Power Wheel ride on vehicle. We always explained that it was too expensive and we could not afford one of these.

Last Friday we had a fun play date with Emily and she had a quad Power Wheel. Both kids got to ride it for a little while before the battery died and had a blast! So . . . I started looking on Craig's List and found this beauty for such a steal that I couldn't resist!

Now I have one major problem . . .Will is asking for one too. He'd like a real one! (Better start writin' to Santa!) Boys and their toys!

1 comment:

NixonsMamma said...

Boys and their toys! haha. Love it!

You are so lucky to have such a big yard for the kids to ride around on! That's meant to be!