Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crazy or Really Nice?

The kids have been asking me since it began raining on Friday to go outside and play in the puddles. (The truth of the matter is that Mackenzie has been asking me for a VERY long time.) I have always put it off for one reason or another. Well, mostly because cleaning up the mess they would endure frightened me.

I don't know if I had a moment of insanity today, or if I got sucked up into remembering how much fun jumping in puddles was as a kid. So, I dressed them in play clothes and let them have at it. Here are a few pictures from the event.

And for those of you who really know me - you know how obsessed I am about stain removal! Did you see Mackenzie's pink jacket!!!! I about had a heart attack when I realized they were laying in the puddles making "snow angels" with their school jackets on! Luckily, I'm the master of stain removals! So you decide. Am I crazy or just a really nice mom?

1 comment:

NixonsMamma said...

You're a SUPER AWESOME MOM! :) (well, a little crazy too! but aren't we all! haaa haaa!)

Welcome to the world of blogging! I'm so excited to see your kiddos and read your thoughts!
